I am using a combination of Slins Christmas Contribution which was written in Lite-C with my IceX terrain script which is C-Script.

I added the IceX terrain to Slins main.c

Slins contribution
IceX and Street Editor

So far the debug does not find any errors but I still can not get the level to run. Even though the debug worked there must be something still wrong with the syntax. I am not sure where to go next to get this code to work.

I put in comments where I changed the C-Script to Lite-C and what it used to be in C-Script.

This code is main.c

//This part of the code up until the part created by IceX was created by Nils Daumann
#define PRAGMA_PATH "Shaders"
#define PRAGMA_PATH "Scripts"
#define PRAGMA_PATH "Models"
#define PRAGMA_PATH "Textures"
#define PRAGMA_PATH "Bmaps"

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

#include "Loading.c"
#include "InitShaders.c"
#include "Environments.c"
#include "Playermovement.c"

void main()
	d3d_antialias = 9;
	d3d_anisotropy = 16;
	shadow_stencil = 0;
	video_mode = 8;
	video_screen = 1;
	fps_max = 85;
	preload_mode = 2;
	//load the level and show a random loadscreen
        //This is replaced by IceX generator
  	//LevelLoad(str_create("Test.wmb"), str_create("LoadScreen_"), str_create(".jpg"), 2);

//Script generated by IceX 2.2 Editor////////
//bitmaps wdl
//bmap detail_texture1=<icx_detail1.tga>;
//bmap detail_texture2=<icx_detail2.tga>;
//bmap detail_texture3=<icx_detail3.tga>;
//bmap detail_texture4=<icx_detail4.tga>;
//bitmaps c
BMAP* detail_texture1="icx_detail1.tga";
BMAP* detail_texture2="icx_detail2.tga";
BMAP* detail_texture3="icx_detail3.tga";
BMAP* detail_texture4="icx_detail4.tga";
//variables declaired this way in wdl
//var d3d_autotransparency = on;
//var d3d_mipmapping = 0;
//var shadow_stencil = 1;
//variables must be declaired in a function for LiteC
function ie_startup() 
  d3d_autotransparency = ON;
  d3d_mipmapping = 0;
  shadow_stencil = 1;

//function mtl_terrain_init()// ;<-delete; is an "event" function in LiteC

//material for terrain
MATERIAL* mtl_terrain =  //was material not MATERIAL*
	emissive_blue  = 60;
	emissive_red   = 60;
	emissive_green = 60;
	ambient_blue  = 255;
	ambient_red   = 255;
	ambient_green = 255;
	specular_blue  = 0;
	specular_red   = 0;
	specular_green = 0;
	diffuse_blue   = 120;
	diffuse_red    = 120;
	diffuse_green  = 120;
	power  = 1;
	albedo = 15;
	alpha  = 100;

	flags = enable_render, tangent;

	skin1 = detail_texture1;
	skin2 = detail_texture2;
	skin3 = detail_texture3;
	skin4 = detail_texture4;
	event = mtl_terrain_init;
MATERIAL* mtl_ent_default = //was material not MATERIAL*
	emissive_blue  = 60;
	emissive_red   = 60;
	emissive_green = 60;
	ambient_blue  = 80;
	ambient_red   = 80;
	ambient_green = 80;
	specular_blue  = 0;
	specular_red   = 0;
	specular_green = 0;
	diffuse_blue   = 120;
	diffuse_red    = 120;
	diffuse_green  = 120;
	power  = 1;
	albedo = 15;
	alpha  = 100;

//initialising level
function init_level() // function was starter init_level()
	fog_color = 1;
	camera.fog_start = 250;
	camera.fog_end = 30000;
	camera.clip_far = 45000;
	effect_load(mtl_terrain, "mtl_multitex.fx");
//function for terrain material
function mtl_terrain_init() //did not have () at the end
	//texture scale factors
	mtl.skill1 = 0.030; //textur 1
action icx_terrain() //did not have()
	my.material = mtl_terrain;
	ent_fixnormals(my, 1);
	c_updatehull(my, 1);
	set(my,POLYGON);  //was "my.polygon = 1;"

Last edited by Kasey_Dee; 05/25/08 20:53.