I have an idea if this is the right forum section to post this under...I've been tumbling an idea over in my head for a turn based strategy game converted to a PC game. I am still very new to this but I'm learning as much as I can as fast as I can.

The basic premise of the game play would be very similar to tabletop miniature games in that attacks are carried out in a randomized number fashion (like a dice roll or two). I am pretty overwhelmed when it comes to how to make it a turn based game with movement set up on a grid placed over a terrain or preferably another idea I had was to make a circle of movement that the character can move within. So say a character has a movement ability of 10 it can move anywhere within a circle with a radius of 10 "units" one time per turn. So the same as many other turn based strategy games but it breaks the grid and opens up the game to a little bit more precision.

To break it down further I wanted an attack arc placed in front of or behind the character (I'm guessing something like a decal or sprite) to represent attack range and any target within that arc would be a valid attack target.

Can anyone point me in the right direction of a tutorial on turn based gaming? Maybe something like a board game? Or example scripts I can try to reverse-engineer and modify to fit my concept?

From what I have read up on GS this type of game is very cumbersome to create especially AI-wise. If I'm going to get in over my head someone tell me eek

Looks like you're really waffling on those pancakes...