I've built the level using A6 templates with some on my own wdl.
I want to write my own action istead of using trigger00 so I can customize the door the way I like it with sounds and messages like "This door is locked for now". Essentially I want to click on something in another room and have the door (I'm using a door sprite) vanish in the other room.
It would be easy if I wanted the key to vanish. My problem is having the key's function remove a different entity, the door sprite.

function door_vanish // attach to the key's action
{ if (my_event == event_click)
doorisopen.visible = on; //pre-defined text saying the
// door is now open
sleep(3); time visible to read message
doorisopen.visible = off;
ent_remove; } // this is were I screw up, how do
// I point this to the sprite door in
// the other room?

Learning to write lite-C -- A8 commercial