Ok, heres my problem,

I just upgraded to A7 com.

I copied my contents of workfolder from a6 into the workfolder of a7.

So im still using the same script as in a6.

Now my problem:

With this code, i was able to move my player in a6 without problems
Now in A7 im only able to move forward.
But the moving skill (Skill1) is set to an negative value like it should be, but the player does not move backwards any more.

// movement code
while (1) 
var_reload_timer_display = int(var_reload_timer * 31);
on_mouse_left = players_fired;

if ((key_w == on) && (my.skill1 < my.skill3))
my.skill1 +=1 * time_step;
if ((key_s == on) && ((my.skill1) > ((my.skill3 / 2) * -1)))
my.skill1 -=1 * time_step;
if (key_a - key_d == 0)   
my.skill2 = 0 * time_step;
if ((key_a - key_d != 0) && (my.skill1 < 0))  
my.skill2 = ((key_d - key_a)*(12 - my.skill5)) * time_step;
if (my.skill1 > 0) && (key_a - key_d != 0)
my.skill2 = ((key_a - key_d)*(12 - my.skill5)) * time_step;
if (my.skill1 == 0) && (key_a - key_d != 0)
my.skill2 = 0;
if (key_space == on)
my.skill1 = 0;


function move_players()
if (connection == 3)
my_weapon = handle (ent_create (str_SRM2,vector (var_players_child_pos.x,var_players_child_pos.y,var_players_child_pos.z), atache_players_child));
while (1) 
c_move(my,vector(my.skill1 * time_step,0,0),nullvector,IGNORE_SPRITES|GLIDE);
c_rotate(my,vector((my.skill2 * time_step),0,0),IGNORE_SPRITES);
wait (1);

Im not able to figure out whats wrong..

Please Help me .

