After working on a single player game i want to move to a muliplayer game. Im planning to make a mmorpg. But the concept is jurney of each player is in real time and each players position should update to server and every client connected but battle is turn base so status is only updating to players who are in battle.

Since its a mmorpg client should connect with unique identification to determin who is who and locking session to tell the server that this client is connected to server.

Is the concept possible with A7?

I'm also aware of the security of the game to prevent server hacking and player cheating. There are allot of free tools that player can use to cheat in mmorpg like WPE or other tools which can send a false but valid packets to process. Thats why i choose turn base. In turn base while players are in battle all players statistics are determined base in the player's database table like players current hp, atk, def. Program will first check database value befor updating to client side. Allot of mmorpg use this but in real time database updating. But i think it will be to complicated for what i need i a game.

What database can i use and how to update database tables without using database login on a client program? Php + mysql is not secured even if un hardcode the query links in the program since http request are easily monitored and filterd using 3rd party programs.