Hi everyone,

it's me again, i just want to let everyone here know (especially to those who already purchased the packs), that i already have the fix for both Male & Female pack, regarding the scale and orientation issue.

You can email me at "evi at cubixstudio dot com" or "support at cubixstudio dot com" if you need the MDL update. I'll sent it to you as soon as i can.

however, if you want to update the pack yourself, you can use FragMotion to do the scaling (Fragmotion demo version allow you to save file for couple of days), here are steps to follow, it's not that hard:
- Use "Scale All" tools(inside Mesh category), for Female use ScaleX,ScaleY,ScaleZ = 33.5, for Male use 34. (Use Center of Mass as the Origin option)
- Move the model along Y axis, so that the boots sole is aligned with 6.5 grid size below 0,0,0
- For Male pack, you still need to do "Rotate All" with AngleY = 180. (while female pack doesn't need this)
- Export it to MDL format, basically that's all you need to do :P

once again, thanks to those of you who keeps helping me through my email to fix this issue.

best regards,


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