

err not sure but i think its not allowed to sell models of existing characters oO
and selling a normal glass for 60 USD is way too much O_O it even has too many poligons.

Nop, its not illegal, becuz i made it from the scratch.
I can call it any name i want, but by the law this model is just something similar to sonic the hedgehog, not the copyrighted protected models.

I can do anything i want with this models cuz i made them with my own hands.

The model has too many faces? Isnt that good? The game doesnt go slower.

New models to come soon...

well if thats the case and you feel secure in what your doing , then you wont care to much that i just sent sony a email with a link to this page. Take care

and by the way...anyone who wants to pay 60 bucks for a cup..ill do it for free
and yes that model of sonic is illigal...just because YOU made it doesnt mean its legal....i can draw the hulk...doesn't mean i can make my own comic based on him....and call him green angry man...its called infringing on likeness ...get a clue
