
You're mostly concentrating on insulting people.

Irish reaction has been rather harsh but he has been also insulted, you should admit it, and it was not the first time

Getting back to the topic

One possible answer and a further question

The answer

The contracdiction is evident, but , well it may happen...as simple as that unless you assume that bible has been written by God rather than men , which is not your case ,as far as I know
One of the greatest logic and mathematician ever Mr Godel applied for U.S.A. citzin
He started arguing with the comitee about the several ridicouls contradictions of American costitution
Fortunatly the president of the comitee realized what kind of guy he was dealing with

The answer ( for bible expert )

It it true that Bible is full of atrocities which are not taught at school ?
Apart from the sacrifice of the son, which can have a meaning , I mean somethig like:

King David returned to jerusalem after defeating the enemies
"You did not fulfill God's will "
"Yes I did "
"No you did not, women and kids are still alive "
"Why should God want the death of women and kids ?"
"How do you dare to comment God's will ?"

King David got back and the Lord's will was fulfilled

Is it true ? I so how can religious people justifiy something like that ?
Unless Bible have ben written by wild people in a wild world