
Well , I suppose the answer should be : Yes it is

Well, it can be both good and bad. Good in that its an act that will lead to the greater good, but bad in the sense that they killed kids. The bible doesn't gloss over the harsh realities of those times.


The point is that in the Bible there are also examples of "pure" sadism

Well, I wouldn't give too much credence to that opinion just yet. I think its important to fully understand both sides of the argument (even if you don't like fundamentalists). I don't think I've heard of any argument set forth about God being unjust that has stood up to a counterargument. That doesn't mean there isn't one, it just means I haven't heard of one at this time.


There were harsh discussions , in the past, about these points, among theologists

They came up with the usual explanation

"The bible must not be understood " litteraly "

Yeah, but many christians also started to question the bible over slavery, when it turned out they just misunderstood what was written in the text and added their own modern notions to ancient times.

The Church in general has done a terrible job of giving christians any kind of critical thinking ability (in regards to the bible), and for that matter any kind of real understanding of their own faith.


For someone who likes to apply Occams famous razor, JCL, that is a lot of crap. To make things as simple as possible, what do you really think actually happened regarding the amazing peice of literature that has become/made it, to todays bloody Holy Bible?

Alberto (despite coming from SA) and Irish Farmer (although coming form southern North America) -you should be ashamed Alberto! I'm surprised your peers don't pick on you for the [censored] idiot you are!-, are obviously full of [censored], or shite, or bullshit, whatever. Oh ye of little faith! Watch your tiny world crumble around thee (you).

(I can undrstand for Iish Farmer, because nearly everyone from that region of the world is brain dead by birth right, as it seems. All the Scottish immigrants went straight to the south, where something in the water, not the lime that makes Scotch Whiskey famous, made them all insane religious fanatics).

I would pin my location as being about in the middle of North America, actually. I suppose it depends on how you look at it, but its a stretch to say I live in the 'southern North America'.

Last edited by Irish_Farmer; 12/08/06 23:44.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."