Odd subject line, I know. Let me explain.

I would like to create a game with the potenial to evolve into an mmo, should enough people get hooked to the gameplay. However, besides the difficulty of first programming an mmo and then get people to fall in love with it, is the challenge of finding the servers to support it. Machines capable of such a feat and an isp equally worthy are not cheap in the least.

An idea I had was allowing the players to host the game. The first player to enter a field would become the host of that region until they leave or another, more capable player joins that field. The rest of gameplay would work the same as any other typical mmo. This would resolve the server issue brilliantly, but leaves the question of whether you can achieve this with GameStudio.

Can GameStudio simply hand the reins of hosting a field from one player to another without having to "close" the current running session and re-open the level? Having the game freeze and the screen go black every time the host switches would be most undesirable, and important data could be lost each time.

I hope my logic here isn't too hard to follow. I'm a man of theory, always have and probably always will be. What are your thoughts on this idea? Could it be done and how?