I know that I have another post in this forum somewhere, and I appoligize for not being able to find it.

I also want to leave a small disclaimer. I am aware that gamestudio isn't the best software for making a multiplayer game. I am aware that it is an extremely lofty goal. I am aware that there are other engines better made for multiplayer. But due to fiscal constraints, we can't buy the $8000 Unreal Engine 2.0 that we want to use.

Anyhow, some of my comrades (who have significantly less experience at scripting than I do) and I are making a multiplayer game. I don't have the documentation on my computer (it's on my friends'), but I you can download a project overview here:


What we are looking for is as follows:

2-4 world editors
1-2 scripters (multiplayer experience not needed as I can handle that, but good)
1-2 modelers/animators
1-2 game-to-art people (make the game colorful; handles texture and skins)
1 video workers

We already have 2 world editors, 1 modeler, 1 audio/miscelanious, and 1 scripter (me).

This is under the genre of MMOFPS, although it won't have nearly as many skills
as your basic MMO. It's more focused on killing people for your team.

We have every intention of publishing this game. We will probobly sell it through our website (not yet made/finished). Anyone workers on the game will get paid. To be a worker, you are in. That means that you work on the project through the entire thing, through the good and bad. To be a contributor (and credit will be given) you just need to do something to further our efforts.

If you have any questions or wish to join our Dev team, email me at: mttcttrll@snet.net

The Galvanic Productions Hompage: www.GalvanicProductions.tk For our current project, click on the Nirvana link.