Hey everyone im looking to make a team for a new game. The following are needed.
-modelers(must be able to model cars and humans)
-Level design

I am a level designer as well as helping with the modeling, art for the game which includes the backgrounds for the menus ect. And also putting the game together.

Here is a little bit about the game, it is only the basis more will be Discussed as a whole team. but it gives you an idea.

Name – (name still to be decided)
Type – 3rd person
Genre – Action/racing

Before each mission you receive a list of cars you must steal, or a single car, the date you must do it by, and the destination all cars must go to. An in game clock will tell you how long you have to complete each mission. You must first find where all the required cars are and then get all of them and bring to the destination by the deadline. This game is not only about stealing cars and racing away from cops. You must get to each car without anybody seeing you, and you must also get away and back to the drop point without causing suspicion. If you are seen and the car is reported stolen, the rest of the cars will be very difficult to get now that the cops are more alert. Once you have all the cars back to right place by the right time you get paid. The harder and rarer the cars are the more you get paid. During the game there will also be mini missions like races.

Any comments or questions about the game post here but if your interested in working in the team please PM me(please include some work you have done)