I'll get right to the screenshots for you impatient types out there

ss1 ss2 ss3 ss4 ss5

ss6 ss7 ss8 ss9

I've been working on a sword dueling system for a little while now, and I've finally gotten to a point where everything works and it's pretty challenging. Basically, there's three attack types: overhead strike, thrust, and sideways lash. There is also a defense for each attack: two different blocks and a dodge for the thrust. Everything is real-time and reflex based, so if you aren't fast, you'll miss a block or dodge. If you're fast, you can keep the enemy from ever touching you (though I can't even do that and I made the game ).

There's also a stamina system, which I borrowed the idea from a great game called Savage. Basically, attacks and blocks take up your energy, and if you run out of energy, you can't attack! This keeps you from just non-stop swinging at the enemy like an idiot . If you get several blocks in a row, you will gain lots of stamina back. This way, you have to be able to attack AND block to win fights. Stamina comes back very slowly during battle.

My goal here is to get a fully functional and polished demo/tutorial together to post, so people can learn the combat system and fight the computer themselves, and give me some feedback. I'm waiting for my commercial version of 3dgs to arrive (only have extra right now), so once that comes, I'll make things look much better with shaders and dynamic shadows and such.

I'm trying really hard not to bite off more than I can chew, so even though I want to expand the game to include sailing, buying/selling cargo, and taking over enemy ships, right now I am only going to focus on this dueling system until I feel it's the best it can be.

Questions about the combat system, comments or criticisms on the screenshots would be great. Does the overall look fit? Do the panels look out of place? Let me know what you think!

Last edited by Zelek; 12/29/06 21:09.