Hey Blink, sorry I never put together a tutorial for this. I really appreciated your interest and comments while I was working on it though. But when I took a step back and looked at the code that I had developed, it wasn't really good enough to be the basis of a tutorial.

I ran into several issues:
1) The responsiveness of the combat is highly dependent on framerate. Basically, I am doing scans from the top of the sword to its handle, and analyzing what I detect - if it's the enemy player model, it means I hit him, if it's his sword, it means he blocked.

Unfortunately, if someone with a slower computer tries to fight, they will notice that sometimes their hits don't register, because of low framerate.

2) The swords are separate models from the players, so that I can distinguish between contact with the sword and contact with the enemy player. This means I have to attach the sword via code. I had a lot of trouble making the sword movement look good, because it doesn't know how to tilt with the player's hand unless I tell it. What I probably should have done is give the sword its own set of animations that correspond to the movement of the player's arm/hand.

3) The combat isn't very flexible. As you can see from the video, it's dependent on the players being in a locked position to simplify the code. That's just lazy, looks terrible, and a lot less fun.

I may very well revisit this in the near future and if it's ever worthy enough to make a tutorial I'll do my best to make it happen. For now, definitely check out some of the already existing combat tutorials. The concepts are easily applied to sword fighting.