So that entities tagged with 2 overrun the entities tagged with 3? Easy! Just have a look of the meaning of "push" for the c_move instruction. By this you can define different push values for "groups" in an array and you link entities via a skill to the appropriate array field, e.g.

my.skill2 = 10; //group10

var pushArray[100]; //for hundred groups

pushArray[10]=2; //group 10 has now the push value 2

in the entity's while loop:

my.push = pushArray[my.skill2]; //update push value

and you use then in c_move IGNORE_PUSH to overrun all entities with a lower push value. So, if you assign one group the push value 1 or -10 or such group10-entities will overrun these.

Last edited by HeelX; 01/07/07 12:59.