Well, it seems that 10 vertical Doom units = 1 vertical foot * 3.288 feet/meter = ~32 quants would fit in this case. So each multiple of 32 seems to be fine.

Its a quiet interesting topic. I cant help my self, but when I discover measurement errors, it appears when I see..

  • tables with 30cm thick plates ^^
  • too thin walls... imagine a grenade-explosion next to a 5cm thin wall and it will remain undestructed, ouch
  • in first person games: the enemies are way too big or way too small
  • I am standing on a plaza and the tiles beneath my feet are 10x10 centimers big (too small) or 10x10 meter ^^
  • measurement faults appear often when textures are wrong scaled: you see a very shrinked texture next to a texture which seems to have scaling factors == 1000
  • bullets are as big as fists
  • city skyscrapers are reaching the sky, but the streets are as wide as my bedroom and as long as the way to my toilet