Hello, i need the following character, to be modelled, textured and animated

with a maximum polycount of 3000 triangles, a 1024x1024 skin and the following animations (vertex based animations)

please give me a quote for the model with and without animations

-sidestep left
-sidestep right
-walk backwards
-standing jump (front)
-side jump (left and richt)
-bakflip jump
-running jump
-transition from standing pose to hand to hand fighting stance
-5 different attack animations (with punches and kicks)
-walk, sidestep and walk backwards animations of the chatacter on fighting stance
-transition from standing pose to gun aiming stance
-walk, sidestep and walk backwards animation of the character on gun aiming stance
-pistol shot animation with recoil
-crouching animation (plus transition from standing to crouching stance and viceversa)
-prone animation (plus transition from crouching to prone stance and viceversa)
-Pain animation of the character being hit on each stance (standing, crouching and prone)
-Die animation of the character from each stance (standing, crouching and prone)
-knockdown animation from the standing stance (the character is hit and fall backwards)
-recovery from knockdown position (the character get up from knockdown)
-hanging from ledge animation
-climb ledge animation
-transition from standing position to motorcycle riding and viceversa
-ride motorcycle
-Talk animation (with facial animations of the mouth and eyes)
