
I think the blender models look very good, but i´m not sure wether MED can do nearly the same? So who does know?

MED used to be a tool mainly meant for importing stuff into 3dgs and tweaking models, dunno what it is nowadays though. Some new features have stepped into med, but blender still far exceeds MED feature vise.

The blender game engine is capable of rendering very nice graphics, especially after the GLSL shader support came in, but the speed of the engine aint too good for big levels. Some guys are intergrating Crystal Space to blender and they showed a very nice tech demo on Blender Conference 2006 which (if I saw correctly) had HDR and all the current-gen eye candy stuff. However you might be better off not betting on the Crystal Space integration because there probably aint a public stable version for it yet.

Ogre is also being intergrated into blender as a plug in. The current plan seems to be that a plug in system will be integrated for external engines, but who knows how long it takes before it is released? Fortunately summer holidays are coming so we'll see what happens during that time when it comes .