damed damed is again a typo, so sorry , and thanks Firoball

I have litte time, the code what put no is for any game, is a test over test, only for learn the new lite-c. And my englis is short for large questions.

ok I bening again, when fast code, and only the original question of the post:

//If you create a linking strutures, in this example the struc_01 is linking inside of struc_02...

typedef struct
var var_struct01;


typedef struct
struct01 struct_01;
var var_struct02;


//...if you wanna create initialized struct pointers with linking structures. what is the code??...

//This not give error when compiler, but not work var_struct01 contain 0.
struct02* struct_test ={var_struct01 = 1; var_struct02 = 2;}

//this give error
struct02* struct_test ={{var_struct01 = 1;} var_struct02 = 2;}

struct02* struct_test ={{var_struct01 = 1;}; var_struct02 = 2;}