I have just tried using terrain in a game level, and previously I had only used blocks. Anyway, there are a bunch of problems with is. one is that tracing from a bullet in front of it to detect where it hits things doesn't work. Here's the basic script:

my.x += 300 * cos(my.pan) * time;
my.y += 300 * sin(my.pan) * time;
my.z += 300 * tan(my.tilt) * time;

trace_mode = ignore_me;
trace(my.x, vector(my.x + 300 * cos(my.pan), my.y + 300 * sin(my.pan), etc... ;
if(trace(my.x, vector(my.x + 300 * cos(my.pan), my.y + 300 * sin(my.pan), my.z + 300 * tan(my.tilt) <300)
my.x = target.x; // and all this makes the bullet actually hit the surface.
my.y = target.y;
my.z = target.z;

but this only works some of the time with terrain, but with blocks it works 100% of the time. Sometimes it just goes straight through the terrain. What's happeneing?

Murphey's Law:
<< if anything can go wrong, it will >>

(Murphey was an optimist).