after a long time without the 3DGS,
I'm now back presenting my new game.
Working title is "Dungeon Run" (I can change this, if someone knows a better name).
It is a very simple fantasy FPS placed in a dungeon and the player has a bow instead of a gun. He has to fight his way out, open several gates with keys (orbs) and finish the end-enemy.
Unfortunately I did not get the bow ready yet, weather with the templates nor self-scripting. If there is somebody out there interesting in helping me with that, I'd really appreciate it.

Todo List:
Menu - done
Intro (16:9 scale) - done
Player - Templates
(ghost) - done
(small spider)
Level 1 - 20% done
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
(torch) - done
(treasure chest)
(red, blue, green orb)
(quiver/arrow ammo)

Here are some Screens: