Very interesting. This could be used for so many things, but without actually using it, you can't see how it ACTUALLY works. It is most likely VERY expensive as well...

The part I was most interested in was the Mood. You could change the skin/look/attack/agility/etc of your player depending on his/her mood. I think this would be VERY cool...

Also, the movements... This would be very interesting, and I don't think it would work too well for movement, as you don't want your player to have to get up and walk around his/her room to move in the world... lol. You'd have to use some other method to move, as I don't think it reads INTENTIONS...

And I can't even begin to think how the thought portion works. It's not like it can read your mind, such as you said Dan, "Kill all enemies"... So I'd like to keep track of this and see if it goes anywhere...

- Programmer