Hmmm...according to the Apocalypse (known more commonly as the book of Revelations) in the bible, one of the signs of the end times is people impersonating Jesus Christ or acting as false prophets of Christ, and gaining millions of followers.


"This self-proclaimed Jesus does not believe in sin, hell, the devil or damnation of any kind."

AHAHAHA. According to the catholic church and the bible, Jesus Christ is God. God created the earth and man (Adam), and put Adam to the test. Adam failed by eating of the forbidden fruit, and as a result of that was cast out of the earthly paradise. But God, in His mercy, gave man another chance to prove themselves. This eventually leads up to the founding of the Catholic Church. So how can God, who is also Jesus Christ, who CREATED hell for the fallen angels and for man who will not heed His words, all of the sudden not believe in sin, hell, or damnation? Doesn't even believe in the devil? God created Lucifer, who in his pride fell away from God and henceforth was cast into hell. And now this "Jesus Christ", who would also be God, no longer believes in his own creation?

Besides the fact that not believing in sin or damnation would make the whole Catholic Church pointless, as it was created by Jesus to guide people around sin and into heaven, away from damnation. It's all contradictory even by the bible.

EDIT2 - Quoted from Paul's epistle to the Romans. 1:24-25, Douay Rheims version
"Therefore God has given them up in the lustful desires of their heart to uncleanliness, so that they dishonor their own bodies among themselves-they who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator who is blessed forever, amen."

Therefore God has given them up means, from Thomas Aquinas, that God withdrew His grace from them, because they sinned. This man says St. Paul is the only gospel writer who got it right, because he said St. Paul taught that there was no sin. Yet right here in a passage of St. Paul, he is telling of sins that are committed by man. Not only is he trying to cut out any parts of the bible that contradict him, he also got it wrong about St. Paul.

Last edited by soraga; 03/11/07 01:11.