
The cursor is updated several times a frame. That's true.However, that doesn't affect the way buttons work. It only makes your mouse movement smoother.

Well the mouse cursor is updated several times a frame graphically. But, the running functions are executed only one time a frame. The complete engine only updates one time per frame. So if you got a frame rate of 60, the engine updates 60 times a second. The cursor on the other hand is as fast as the monitor screen refresh. And this value depends on your monitor. Normally 60 Hertz(60 times) on a LCD monitor. In this case you won't recognize any fake.

But if you got an fps value of 30 you see that the mouse cursor updates faster. 60 times the cursor, the engine 30 times. This means if you move your mouse quickly over buttons, they don't recognize any movement.

I've tested this months ago.

Fratch - Newer statistics panel for GameStudio