
The way we talk is actually easy, we use sound for that and produce this by using our vocal cords. We use our muscles to tension our vocal cords and because air flows by we are able to produce a lot of different sounds. Specific sounds in specific sequences have specific meanings and after all this has evolved into more complex language, it has become vital to be able to talk.

We can make light by burning a fire, switching on a lightbulb, or hey, if it's light oustide just by opening a curtain , all perfectly explainable.

lol Cute.. now explain how God spoke and things appeared. BTW, did you go back to Antiquities yet? I know, I know.. I'll say it for you... "Yes Kinji, your right. Jesus is mentioned in Aniquities." lol


Yes, better think about that deeply, since there's no way a God could have been involved even íf he existed.

With God all things are possible.

For the record: Its almost impossible to stick to the story in this hotel. O_O

Last edited by Kinji_2007; 03/17/07 15:18.

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