
It doesnt matter that we cant 'prove' such experiences, you already have millions of people saying they have had them. That in itself is proof enough.

Nope, that's not evidence, those are mere statistics. I agree that it makes some sense to assume that not millions of people make things up. But that's about the only thing that can be said about it.


So how can you claim to know what is impossible or possible?

I meant not necesarrily impossible, merely something that is/was/I thought to be 'nearly impossible'. It's a word thing anyways, since if something impossible happens, then it wasn't impossible, but possible instead.


people much more stubborn than you becoming born again Christians and becoming the new driver of the church bus.

I guess I'm not lost yet then hehehe.


Wow.. just think: If I keep talking about religion I wont have any stars left. lol To funny.

I'm going to rate you 5 stars, because I like these debates. But I do wonder who really cares about the stars anyways? In a way it's discriminating to give people less stars purely based upon some opinions, not quite fair.


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