
Can anyone here that has used GameStudio for a while reccomend one or the other which has also tried XNA Game Studio? Cause this seems a lot more user friendly on version 5 which I own back when they sold this in stores. XNA Game Studio seems like it can do WAY better graphics but the tutorials are even tough to use

Graphics are dependent on the talent of the artist and the quality of the mesh and skin (and I guess in certain instances the shader used) and not the engine (or framework). Most if not all DX engines worth their salt are going to display it in a similar fashion (more or less).

When you get right down to it, A6 is no more or no less user friendly than A5. However, A6 has many more features and a different core, as well as enhancements to the editors. In other words, it's safe to assume it's more user friendly than A5. Likewise, A7 will have more features, a different core, and enhanced editors; thus will most likely be more user friendly than A6 in the end.

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