
It's compatible to A6.50, so you can use it for your current projects - at least in theory. Try it at your own risk. Have fun!

Sounds scary. Oh well, Im not afraid; downloading now...


Although, I agree with Ello, with this and Physics gone there isn't as great of an incentive to buy Pro

shhhh, they might hear you and then they might change their minds.

edit:Runs fine on my current 6.50 game. There are some minor differences to work out, but after an hour or two of tinkering I have it running fine. I had some unpredictable behaviors with using the "result" internal variable and some path scripts. So everything did not migrate 100% but so far they are just minor things. Overall I am very happy with the upgrade. I will have to start learning the lite-c now I guess.

Last edited by NITRO777; 03/29/07 00:38.