Sorry about the length of these posts....I'm articulate...I know it can be annoying....sorry...

You're right, but the problem with showcasing only WIP screens is you don't get the full picture (no pun intended..actually it was). The visuals I've discussed in this thread are what I've been wanting all along. What has been shown in screens is mainly my talent at achieving good to semi-good results with 3DGS implementation of lightmaps and some creative ways to USE old school blocks and BSP limitations to establish a visually appealing style. I know I could setup some fantastic stuff with per pixel lighting and projectors, but I don't want to fool around with worrying about compatibility with older machines (because a lot of my target still has them).

A lot of you probably think I hate shaders and change. I don't. I just have to worry about my target, and I have to find ways to do what I want without them. I think Matt's Sphere Engine is a great tool, and if you want standard shaders in your game then go spend the $40 and get it (this is an endorsement ). However, as much as I'd love to implement it, I can't given the genre I chose. I could be a jerk and REQUIRE that anyone who wants to play my game has to upgrade their equipment, but I'm old school, and I live by the mantra that it's the developer that serves the customer and not the other way around. I work with what my target has at this moment and won't play the jackass.

You mentioned compromise. I don't do that, so if this feature never sees the light of day, I'll have to abandon this particularly visual trick and rely solely on detailed blocks and/or models and proper skins/textures.

You also mentioned feedback. I don't get a lot of feedback. Most of my comments are from the same few users. I get A LOT of hits on my main game thread, but I get very few remarks, good or bad. This is somewhat disheartening at times, but I'm a big boy, so it doesn't get under my skin like it would if I were much younger or more "needy."

Regarding lightmaps....this implementation could be a lot better. I'm suggesting to beef them up to give them all the features and capabilities they're capable of that other programs have provided for years. Don't abandon them because AAA games still use them, and they still look better than the best per pixel light shader you can find. Let's be frank....we have a really crappy lightmapper when compared with other applications; thus our collective screams over the years to beef them up. I mean, can't we get a damn static spotlight finally? A real one? Not something I have to fake using invisible blocks? There are other wants, but those are found in any number of other request threads, including two or three of my own over the years. The pending release of A7 is the PERFECT opportunity to introduce a new lightmapper complete with ALL of the features and tweaks that it's capable of. Don't worry about performance (i.e. build times)....let US the user worry about that. But, for Satan's sake give us the luxury of a full featured lightmapper so those of us who prefer this can use 3DGS to make knockout lighting. As is, it's all right, but as you can find all over this forum, it could be much better.

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