@jcl: Could I ask if you are leaning towards a possible implementation of this feature into the engine at some point. I'm not expecting any promises to be made, nor do I even expect a response; however an official maybe/maybe not/hell no would be greatly appreciated by both me and closet adventure game developers and/or lurkers. Also, a time frame is not an issue for me. I'm in absolutely no hurry for this feature, but knowing whether or not it's even a possibility and/or happening is a concrete factor required for future preparations on my part.

Another potential feature is allowing invisible models to cast stencil shadows. I have a crazy idea regarding a lower poly, invisible player that is controlled by the end user, and attaching an animated sprite using a higher poly version as the base art to it. This animated sprite would use a large amount of frames to give the illusion that it is a real time model. An example of a commercial franchise that does this is the Runaway series of games. The characters were all built in a 3D application and toon shaded, but they use a huge number of frames to give the appearance that they are real time. The purpose of using the lower poly invisible model would be for stencil shadow casting and collision purposes. I know transparent models cannot cast them, but is this also true for invisible models. Finally, is it possible in DirectX to make an invisible model cast a stencil shadow and if so could you add this to the todo list, too (assuming it isn't already possible...I'm away from my regular PC, so I can't check).

@XxX: What do I do with this material. Do I need to play with the d3d_automaterial flag and assign this per surface as outlined in the manual? I'm more of a blocks man than a mesh one, and given A7 WED allows for concave geometry, I can build anything I want should I decide to build my levels in WED and use high resolution textures instead of hand drawing them (I believe you came up with the same idea in the other thread). For saving out specific sections of art for specific layers, I can simply "turn off" the sections that aren't needed to be rendered and vice versa. It'll also provide me with an easy to manipulate base/starting point for the invisible collision hull. Perhaps, I might even use shaders (GAAAASSPPPP!!!!!) for more high quality per pixel lighting and shadows; however I'm not sure what kind of results I can achieve with the new light mapper resolution slider, yet so only experimentation will clue me into what it's capable of.

Nah, WME probably isn't that much different, but they are apples and oranges in certain respects. They both use DirectX, and there's that real time component for 2.5D and some real time instructions in its Javascript-like OOP scripting language. WME just moved to a DirectX 9 version of the engine using the DX June update as a starting point (see my recent WME post in Tools). Mnemonic did this to prepare for the future because I think he's heading towards shadersville (toon shaders are popular in adv. games right now, as well as per pixel lighting and shadow mapping effects). I know new editors are in the future, but low priority for now. Here's a snippet from the WME 1.8 update thread Q&A which I didn't post in that tools thread:


Q: Why Direct3D 9? What's the benefit?

A: Quite frankly, there's not much of a benefit at the moment. There should be some performance increase when using hardware T&L (see below). But mainly the Direct3D 9 version of the engine brings more possibilities for the future, such as the access to high-level shader language (HSLS), which was impossible with D3D8. Also, the "Games for Windows" guidelines require games to use D3D9.

Just for kicks, here's the latest manual (2.04 MB CHM format) if anyone wants to inspect what WME is capable of. The engine is now donationware, so some of you might want to play around with it for one reason or another. Seeing what it's capable of via reading the easy to follow manual won't hurt if there's an interest:


It contains info on the shadows procedures, so it is useful and relevant to this thread, too. Here's the official WME site if it peeks anyone's interest. To avoid any problems, you'll need to install the 1.7.3 version then then 1.8 beta, as well as the DirectX June update (provided there's no auto-install feature in the WME 1.8 installer process):


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