

Finally, is it possible in DirectX to make an invisible model cast a stencil shadow and if so could you add this to the todo list, too (assuming it isn't already possible...I'm away from my regular PC, so I can't check).

You already can use, or even already use normally, the LOD of your charcter for the shadow in A6.
Just picked up this sentence, so it can be that this already had been mentioned.

Yep, I'm aware that we can use LOD for stencil shadows (Wintermute has this feature too); however I know that SS don't work when a model is transparent, so I was wondering if they worked if they were completely invisible (my.invisible = on;)? The manual states:


Stencil shadows are only cast by completely non-transparent models. The model skin must not contain an alpha channel.

I wonder if there's a way to make a model cast the SS and still be completely 100% visible but not render. It sounds much like the hidden geometry issue doesn't it? If his would work, I'd use a lower poly model for the realtime model that projected shadows and attach a 2D animated character with a lot of frames (so it's smooth and looks like a highly detailed model without having to use a normalshader). I would get the visual results I'm after plus a working stencil shadow all within a 2.5ish world.

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