Look at this post:
He writes without any paragraphs, repeats every statement and blames other people for his lack of understanding.

After that he insults me again to be a kid hiding behind mom and dead (the moderator). He still does not realize the truth that I am able to defend myself with words and even physically. And I even have to use his mother-tongue that makes it a bit more difficult to me. But the behaviour and the facts will speak for themselves.

But I cannot ban or warn him officially. A moderator is needed in that case. And since he insults people very often in theses forums it was time to notify a moderator. Otherwise he never stops this behaviour.

His statement to make a game first and then go for visuals is also not the truth and lacks some serious experiences. You have to check your tool-set first. It makes no sense to create a fantastic game and after that you realize that you have no real-time shadows and cannot create very important visual effects that you need for the game-play.

You have to check the work-flow first. And that is what many people are doing when they start to create sample levels, shaders or try to find a way to get baked shadows into the engine.
If you do that afterwards then you might be in a dead-end with no way out.

Besides that other people only want to have fun with some sample scenes and do not want to finish a game (or give it up). There is no rule that should tell them what is the "truth". The "truth" of WhyDoIDie is just his personal meaning.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft