
Uuhm, Jews are not a race. I can't see any reason to assume ANY race would be superior to another and I really mean ANY

It hardly matters what your definitions of a race are. It really only matters what your definition of 'superior' is, in selection it is all about 'survival of the fittest' and all I am saying is that in my humble opinion, even though I dont think like Nazi's, if I did, even according to Darwinist standards the Jews seem much more 'fit' 'superior' 'strong' whatever then any nation on earth based upon many observations.


(Nor does a superior race exist, we really are all equal.)

Well I know that already, however the Nazis were influenced by strong naturalistic thinking: concepts such as freedom and equality are inconsistent with evolutionary theory, since they are based on the idea of innate human rights. These ideals would have to give way before the right of the stronger in the struggle for existence.