the difference between the koran and the bible is that jesus is a prhopet like mohammed and not the son of god. he did not raise from the dead.
the basic ideas, his believes and what he decided to be right or wrong are identical. and having this in mind its obscure and sick that people kill other poeple in the name of one book or the other.

if you qoute either the bible or the koran, you will have to explain the context you ripped the parts out of. Just pasting one or two sentences does not work.
Writing "i pulled my gun and then i shot him" and "After he raised his gun to shot me. I pulled my gun and then i shot him" are two totaly different worlds.

any kind of true religion is based on respect.
its not a rat race who has the better god, or book, or religion, or stories.

Making all other religions look worse wont make yours better.


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