Yeah, the option to use both Xinput and Directinput without external dll's would be nice for A7. Also, I guess, the ability to use the rumble feature of Directinput as well.

If anyone is interested in DocJoes plugin, the thread is here:

I was a bit mixed up at the time, thinking that this wasn't fully supported with A6 yet and thought you were adding Xinput or something.

But now I've done some more testing, and found it works fine with the latest beta(pre-A7). Just be sure to have the Microsoft "xinput9_1_0.dll" either in your work folder or your "windows/system32" folder. If you don't have it, any dll calls you'd make thru your scripts will produce errors upon startup. The user will have this dll already on their computer if they install the 360 controller drivers. Basically, if you have this dll installed, and you have your script callings it's functions anywhere, but you don't have a 360 controller installed or this Microsoft dll in your work folder, your game will crash. So don't call any functions from the DocJoe dll unless your sure the user has the Microsoft dll!

Heres how I think i'm gonna go about adding full 360 controller support in my game:

- Use A6 native commands for DirectInput controllers.

- If the user has a 360 control, they select a certain check box in the option screen, otherwise it will not work. In the scripts I use native A6 commands for all buttons but the back left and right shoulder buttons, the joysticks(cause otherwise no deadzone), and the rumble. These alternate scripts only run if the 360 controller is enabled in the option screen. Basically, if I don't do this, and the user for whatever reason doesn't have that dll above, the game wont crash every time it starts. Also, the layout has to be different for the 360 controller, this option would change that too.

I wonder if Microsoft allows distribution of this .dll file in my application? This of course would make things easier if they do.

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