This week I have some time to create my website, in thinking of what to include I decided that it would be nice to add a section for free content. Therefore I will be searching through archives this week and getting some models and textures to give away. This is the first model, it has a fully animated fly cycle which looks very good(well you can be the judge, but I think the animation is pretty good). Anyway, you are welcome to use these models for commercial purposes as long as you put me or my forum name in the credit. Hopefully noone knows my real name so I will just hope you use my forum name. Also, please do not resell any of these models without my permission. Here is the first one. Some of you might remember, I did this model a couple of years ago.

And here is the temporary download location which will change after I complete the website.
Pterodan model

AS a side note: I do not claim this to be an anatomically correct Pterodan, it is just a product of my imagination which probably resembles no actual dinosaur.