In the manual it states:


Panels and texts will always be displayed over all views independently of their LAYER values.

I'm assuming this is still relevant given "layer_sort" doesn't specifically mention that views and panels/text are independent of one another in regards to layer management.

The feature request is the ability to place panels behind a view. I don't know if this is a technical impossibility with DirectX, but if it isn't and is implemented, it would make the creation of 2.5D projects (realtime 3D on top of 2D backdrops) a much less tedious endeavor. In regards to implementing this into existing syntax, you could implement negative numbers for the panel.layer value (assuming layer can't already be set below zero). It would work just like the current panel.layer but if the value is negative then it will affect the layer stack behind the view.

Here's how you have to create a 2.5D in 3DGS without this requested feature. There may be alternatives, but this is the only way I can think of at the moment. I'll provide an example of the workflow with the feature afterwards:


You have to place the 2D background on a block as a texture or import it as a sprite and place this background object a certain distance away from the camera so that it fills your screen. It also has to be scaled appropriately.

The actual 3D geometric level is completely invisible and will be in front of this background entity. The purpose of this geometry is to act both as a walkway for the player/NPC entities and as a collision hull for the walls and various obstacles (tables, chairs, rocks, buildings, etc).

Any element of the 2D background that the player can walk behind requires you to place a sprite representation of the object in front of the appropriate collision geometry. Not only must you figure out the correct distance from the camera to place it, but it also must be scaled to the correct size to match where it belongs on the background render.

This process can become very very tedious if there are a number of these sprites that must be placed, and the more backgrounds you have the more time consuming it can become.


If the requested feature existed, this entire process would be dramatically simplified. Placement of the background and those areas that can be walked behind is simply a matter of placing them on the correct layer in relation to the view and the player's position. Scaling would be eliminated given the nature of panels.

The master background will be at the bottom of the layer order and behind the view. There would be two panels for each walk behind object. One would be behind the view and the other in front of it. Depending on the player's position relative to the screen, the panel in front of the view would be toggled on or off, so the player will appear to walk in front of or behind the object as appropriate. I suppose "layer_sort" could be used, but I'd like to avoid a "slow" command that would have to be used all the time.


If you combine this with my recent shadows on none surfaces request, you have two essential features that can be used to make a top of the line modern adventure game or any genre that uses similar techniques. Not being able to see stencil shadows cast appropriately on the hidden geometry just doesn't work if you want to compete.

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