
I for one am definitely more confused now.

heh heh. Well the whole doctrine of death, burial, and ressurection with Christ is a very complex thing, I was hoping to create kind of an overview, but Im sure it created more questions than it did answers.Lol. The word "kill" was probably the wrong word to use, and there were other ways to make the point.


but I think you mean spiritually flawed here, right?

Right, but the physical is dependent on the spiritual so they are still very connected according to Christian belief. The rebirth of the spirit begins immediately after salvation, the rebirth/recreation of the body occurs after physical death.

So no I dont believe that Christians should go around killing the rest of the world because they are flawed and we are not.

However I definitely do believe that the Christian is superior to world in that we are accepted by God, and the world is rejected. But this "superiority" is a moral choice which anyone can make, so it is not an issue of inequality.

Hitler had the right idea in a sense because he wanted to create a perfect race, the Aryans, however he failed to realize that the Aryans were flawed also, which was abundantly proved by his own military mistakes and defeats.

Now because of Christianity, a perfect race has been "created from within" without any need of violence. That is true perfection.

This is what Jesus meant when He preached that "the kingdom of God is at hand" He was talking about a kingdom which would not be a physical kingdom (like Hitler or Cyrus) but an invisible Kingdom.