Okey, I see.

As far as the analogy goes, it's definitely not the same. I'm very sure I would give the person willing to hand over 1 million the benefit of doubt and believe him and take the money. (I'd probably want to know why he's giving it to me, but in case he replies with 'hey, you either take it or leave it', then I'll take it ...)


This is the perfect love.

Yes, but then it's flawed when it comes to true perfection. People can be extremely evil in this life (with all kinds of grave consequences for other people on this planet) and still be saved. Perfect love? No, honestly it seems God loves the evil more than he loves the good. Basically God is handing over a blank check to everyone. Okey, I see this is very loving of him/her/it, but abuse is tolerated no matter what.

Do you actually believe in hell? When do people end up there? If Jesus saved us all there's no point in having a hell, infact, there's no point in having a Heaven either. Off course, if everyone's equally loved and no matter what,


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