Grrrr! >:( Don't get me started on "Project Offset".

Short version: Waaaay back when they were just 'playing around', they asked for folks to help debug/test/play with it, give suggestions, etc. ...Time moves forward... They show some really nice stuff they have done. All their supporters/fans ask if it's still planned to be "free or very low, indie, hobbiest price". They reiterate that yes, it will be. One of the reasons they started it was to learn themselves and 'just play around'...because all the 'big name' engines were just too dang expensive. ...Jump ahead in time... Suddenly, they say, "Well, the price is going to be a bit more expensive, but that's 'cause of all the work we've put into it". (fans/supporters guestimate $1k - $2k). ...Fast forward again... "Oh, uh, sorry, we changed our minds. It's now gonna be a bazillion dollars. Thanks for your years of support, help, suggestions and all that. C'ya, loosers!"

Grrrr! Sorry, but I'm *still* bitter at that whole "changed our minds" switcharoo they did. Just ONCE I'd like to see a pair of excellent programmers "stick it to the big guys" by writing a UT3/ProjectOffset/CryEngine2 level game engine...and then make it FREE (or VERY low price...sub-$1000). Can you imagine the kick-ass looking games we would see? Can you imagine the sheer amount of unaldulterated new-game-ideas that would be popping out? Man...when I win my millions and millions, I'm gonna spend $3million developing a 'next-gen' game engine and sell it dirt cheap.


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)