I think the 2D straw doesnīt look so well. They use millions of polygones and such stuff is 2D... I donīt like it. MAybe personal taste. But in the best game I played in my life everything was 3D. I am talking about Vampire Bloodlines. I think there are no sprites in that game.

I dont understand why they wasted alot of polygones in that screenshot for the mouth of a beast and then made almost everything on his back just a flat texture... They screwed the rule for high detailed face and low detailed body, by exaggerating it.

This screen shot is a good example for, I want to watch it, but I dont want to play it.

Next to vampire bloodlines, the best games I know are games like: Super Metroid, Zelda III, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Yoshis Island, Super Mario World, Sonic Adventure, Actraiser, Gargoyles Quest (on snes), FinalFantasyIII, Rayman, BeyondGood and Evil...

and some other I can't remember right now (on NeoGeo are also alot of great games).
