
I think that sex before marriage is a must. and the funny thing is, because of the exact reasons posted above.
To be able to share a happy marriage you will have to "know" the person as good as you can.
and since sex is the most intimate situation you can get in with another person (or more ) you will have to take the step first to be able to judge right. anything else would be just guessing, if you are honest.

You've got a point I guess.


i also disagree with the statement that sex before marriage make you leave and lose some of yourself every time.

Imagine meeting a stranger and having a good conversation. something as personal as sex for example can be.
this, like sex, can enchance your life dramaticly if you allow it. it doesnt take away somthing from you but adds lots to your life.

Okey, but a conversation with a stranger doesn't quite cover it, perhaps unless you'll have sex right after just meeting your new girlfriend off course ... I don't know, but I normally get to know my girlfriends first, lol. By the way, you've got to admit you more or less get 'exposed' when having sex, so you do 'lose' something I think.


you can decide not to have sex, drink or eat lemons before your marriage. if this is what you want nobody should have anything against it or say anything against it.

but it also wont make your marriage better because of that or more honest or true.

Very true, but it's about feelings, the emotional side. Off course it doesn't make a marriage better or more honest that way, true. However if you've found 'the one' so to speak, and it seems Nitro might have , you'd wish you had not give anyone other but her the full view into your life so to speak, so basically I understand where he's coming from and agree actually.

I don't see any reason to not have sex before marriage per say, however it should happen with someone you really love, even if it turns out to be one-sided love or no love at all, the only way to find out, is to try I guess,


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