I really dont disagree with you much kinji, I too strive to live a holy life, even to the point of selling all and seeking God's face in prayer. However, if you really know God, you know that He doesnt just want this kind of constant 1 on 1 fellowship. It would be wonderful indeed if one could spend all of our time in His presence, however, this is clearly not what God wants except in certain circumstances and during certain times.

Jesus said that all of the law and prophets hung on two:
1)love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength
2)love thy neighbor as thyself

It sounds to me that you are indeed consecrating yourself to God, seperating yourself to do His will. However you must always remember the second commandment.

Paul said if you have not love, then your faith and works are vanity.

As much zeal as you have to do God's will, it is non-effectual without people. The world, and the church are not perfect, they never will be, you must settle this forever or else your expectations towards everyone around you will be unreasonable and much too high. You will always be dissappointed with others and with yourself if you hold to this belief.

Im not asking you to cease doing works, Im just saying that you should lighten up, because people are never going to receive that message.


I find that we do not live up to the standards of holiness

If you are not walking in love to your neighbor, and especially to your Christian brothers, then you are far from the standards of His holiness.

However I dont want you to stop praying and studying the Bible, I do it myself, for hours on end, because those things are going to help you tremendously. Everyday you should be ready to surrender all, I firmly believe that we should be ready to drop all of it for the Kingdom, especially since Christ gave His life for us. But I think that you might find that sometimes, as a matter of fact most times, God would say that time spent with people really listening and caring is much more precious than Bible study or other outward observances because when you live your life for others you are truly walking in obedience.

You might already know these things, but when someone talks about obedience being not wearing shorts or watching tv I get some real red flags thrown up. I hope you know what Im saying here, Im not against you or your church, but I might be agaisnt some of your ideas.