
Who's side is everybody on?

I like your last post.

My 1st answer is a little worldly puzzle :

On the stock market, there are two groups of people, the "bulls" and the "bears".

The bulls are deeply convinced, that the stock market will rise and buy stocks.
The bears know very well, that the stock market will fall and sell stocks.

But then there´s a 3rd group. But it´s not so easy to describe them.
They try to know as much as possible. About the history of the stock market, about the psychology ...
Sometimes they sell stocks, sometimes they buy.

Which group is most likely to make a lot of money?

My 2nd answer:

I´m on the side of God. But is God also on my side? Can I be sure about this?

Sigmund Freud, who was not a stupid fool like me, was opposed to religion:


Freud describes religion as an illusion, wishes that are the "fulfillments of the oldest, strongest, and most urgent wishes of mankind" (Ch. 6 pg. 30). To differentiate between an illusion and an error, he lists scientific beliefs such as "Aristotle's belief that vermin are developed out of dung" as errors, but "the assertion made by certain nationalists that the Indo-Germanic race is the only one capable of civilization" is an illusion, simply because of the wishing involved. Put forth more explicitly, "what is characteristic of illusions is that they are derived from human wishes."

The Future of an Illusion

The problem is: I agree with him. That´s what religion really means for most people, but for me: the opposite.
I found God, when a certain number of more or less complex puzzles were solved, just as much as to give me an original initial idea, that behind all the worldly stuff, there is something like a second spiritual track. The strange thing about this: one can find God by being sceptical, by being ambivalent.
About the truth, the law, the prophets, who´s right, who´s wrong - you need to find the Holy Spirit, but take care and be reasonable, because:

12:31 For this reason I tell you, people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.
12:32 Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.

That´s from the gospel of Matthew.

In the gospel of John this spirit is also called the Spirit of Truth. And truth means truth, not my truth vs your truth. It means the absolute truth, which is difficult to find.
If you are in doubt: there is only one God and he wants us all to be spiritually united ...
From time to time he sends his prophets.
The last big revelation was maybe in the 19th century. The message of Bahá´ulláh (the founder of the Baha´i) comes very close to what I consider to be absolute (for the moment) and it is just a logical extension of the teachings of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed ...
But it´s no problem if we don´t listen to His messengers, that´s normal, people never listened to the true prophets.
There´s nevertheless progress but with these ugly interruptions, that are called "crash" on the stock market and "war" or "revolution" in human history.
We can also learn from mistake. That´s what people usually prefer, because, who would believe a prophet these days.