I don't hate Christianity, I simply dislike organized religion, there's a subtle difference. Anyways, I understand your point since you're part of something I dislike.


A LOT of lies, but the truth only exists in what you know, and what you know as an absolute.

I agree, there's an abundance of lies everywhere.

and another one. Slightly different, but similar in a way;

Don't you think the fact that they use the bible and your Christianity to justify their ways is despicable at least?

Anyways, I don't think there's such a thing as 'absolute', eventhough some/many might argue that's simply my opinion, there are good arguments to assume everything is relative, since knowledge is relative.


Its not any harder to believe than an invisible God.

This was the answer I was expecting actually, but off course this is one of the main reasons why I do not believe at all. Aliens , vampires, UFOs are fiction (or natural phenomena), real demons with teeth and horns are fiction too, God is also just fiction. If God would be real and exist it would actually matter to pray to him, his actions or interference in this world would be visible to us and and and ... basically whether or not he exists as far as the current state of the world totally doesn't matter, if he exists he is not active or we can't see he's active.

When it comes to 'stick to what you know';
Something that is invisible, can not be communicated with or otherwise interacted with and has absolutely no visible influence on this world whatsoever simply doesn't exist, and even if it would really exist it would be completely irrelevant.

Really, what's the point of believing in such a thing (invisible, 'does' nothing, might as well be nonexistent). There's no reason to assume he does exist, just wishful thinking, there's also no reason to assume heaven or all those things are real and there's no evidence that supports any of the other religious claims.


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