

Btw, sorry Kinji and Nitro...
take over brothers. lol

Sorry for not posting much lately. It seems almost pointless. We have a point to prove and so do they obviously. Ours is based on faith and certain facts. Theirs is based on a lack of faith and assumuptions. What can you possibly say to convince anyone here to believe in God? They have all the resources that you do. They have the Word.

I can imagine how it was when Paul walked the earth. He and others preached and taught a NEW lesson.. a new life. Even Jesus did not tolerate those who rejected Him for long. What was Jesus' message to the scribes as well as others who continued to reject the Truth? The majority of the people here will never come to the Truth. Why should I continue to try if they will not hear it? I have only one thing to say to them, "Read the Word.". They will be in fear on the day of judgment if they fail to take the Word as Truth. My concern now is Christians who think that salvation is free and without demands. We are commanded to live a holy life.. sin free. A life of giving, a life of love. We have commandments to follow even as the NT states. I just dont see many that follow the Word as a whole and it troubles me. I judge me and I find myself far below the standards that Jesus set. I see others and compare their lives to the Word and I feel a sense of regret for them also. I say we should fix the problem within this thing called Christianity and then focus on others. God bless you.

Last edited by Kinji_2007; 05/24/07 01:43.

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