
My name is Phil, and I'm the guy from ShadersForGames that JCL has been talking to. As of Friday I had zero 3D GameStudio experience, so it was bound to take a while to get to grips with how everything works. As of this morning, I have managed to get my first shader converted, and properly integrated ( IE: it uses material properties from 3DGS like specular and diffuse colors, as well as grabbing the correct skins you set in ModelView, and grabbing light properties from 3DGS lights ( or in the case of this shader, the sun. )

I can't really say how long it will take to get the packs converted. I'll probably leave a few shaders that wouldn't be useful to 3DGS users out, add a few new ones in ( I have a couple of new shaders which aren't in any packs just yet ) and then we'll see where we go from there.

JCL and I have not made any decisions on what we would like to do with the shaders. I'm open to offering them from my site, having JCL sell them as a third party add-on on this site, and it's not out of the question ( from my point of view ) that they might come bundled with 3DGS V7.

I don't want to make any promises on a ETA, since I have a lot to learn about 3DGS, but I am fairly confident that I can do them now, so I'll make it a top priority to get them completed.

Thanks for everyone's interest, encouragement and assistance.