Just to let everyone know, I've finished converting the shaders. There are one or two I want to go over again to make sure they're integrated the best way, and then I want to write up some documentation of course. They don't really need much because they're set up to take your material and entity settings, but I want to document which shaders use which properties, and there are one or two "skills" which are used to pass other values as well. Like the offset with the parallax/offset bump mapping shaders.

I understand from JCL that this site will have a new shop system in a few months, and it may be that the shaders can be sold there, as an addon pack. However, since I took the time away from paying work to create the shaders this week, I'll be releasing this 3DGameStudio-ready pack on my site shortly. The pack contains almost all of the shaders from Pack 2, a few from Pack 1 and one new shader I'm particularly excited about which is currently unavailable to anyone else. I expect it will go for $49.95, the same as the other packs, which means that 3DGameStudio users are probably getting a slightly better deal than everyone else but on the other hand the shaders are tailored to 3DGameStudio so I won't have to support using them on an engine I'm not overly familiar with. I think it works out well for everyone.

Again, thanks everyone for your interest.

I'll post back when I've finished up the documentation and it's released.