i have a problem with my ai's gravity. he seems to be walking,running in the ground. i can never see his toes. everything works in my code except i dont know why he wont walk/run on the ground instead of in it. what the code does is lets the ai walk on a path, when i come close he gets off the path and attacks me. if i run away he runs back onto the path and so on

here is the code below. can anyone see the problem

sound dead_wav = <dead.wav>;
define TurnSpeed, skill1;
define WalkSpeed, skill2;
define RunSpeed, skill3;
define healthpoints, skill99; // set another name for skill99
Define enemy_z_offset, skill50; //gravity skills
action enemy_action // attached to the dummy enemy that is sensitive to player's sword
my.healthpoints = 8;
// give the enemies few health points - they'll die immediately
my.shadow = on;
my.z_offset = 1; //offsets where the gravity race begins and results in how far the player is offsetted from the ground
my.enable_scan = on;
trace_mode = ignore_me+ignore_passable+use_box;
my.TurnSpeed = 5;
my.WalkSpeed = 3;
my.RunSpeed = 8;
// attach entity to nearest path
result = path_scan(me,my.x,my.pan,vector(360,180,1000));
if (result == 0) { return; } // no path found

var NodePos[3];

// find first waypoint
var node = 1; // start at first node

var angle[3];

var Gravity;

while (my.healthpoints > 0) // still alive?

//find direction
result = vec_to_angle(angle,vec_diff(temp,NodePos,my.x));

// near target? Find next waypoint of the path
if (result < 25)
node = path_nextnode(my,node,1);

my.skill21 = c_trace(my.x,vector(0,0,-4000),use_box|ignore_me|ignore_passents|ignore_passable);

if(my.skill21 > 10)
Gravity -= time_step;
if(my.skill21 < 0)
Gravity += time_step;
Gravity = 0;

if (vec_dist (my.x, player.x) < 600)&& (player != null) // the player approaches the enemy
vec_set(temp, player.x);
vec_sub(temp, my.x);
vec_to_angle(my.pan, temp);
//c_move(my,vector(10*time,0,0),my.player_move_x,use_aabb | ignore_passable | glide);
ent_animate(my,"run", my.skill20,anm_cycle); // play walk frames animation
my.skill20 += 10 * time_step; // "walk" animation speed

if (vec_dist (my.x, player.x)< 70)&& (player != null) // if the player comes closer attack him
my.skill21 = 0; // reset "attack" frames
while (my.skill21 < 100)&& (player != null)
ent_vertex(right_arm_tip, 7); // weapon tip vertex coords - get the value in Med
ent_vertex(right_arm_base, 1); // weapon base vertex coords - get the value in Med
c_trace (right_arm_base, right_arm_tip, ignore_me | ignore_passable|use_box);
if (result != 0) ///made a hit
player.health -= 1 * time_step;
ent_animate(my,"attack", my.skill21,0); // play attack frames animation
my.skill21 += 8 * time_step; // "attack" animation speed
wait (1);

else // the player is farther away
// turn and walk towards target
my.pan += ((angle.pan > my.pan)-(angle.pan < my.pan))*time_step*my.TurnSpeed;
//c_move(my,vector(10*time,0,0),my.player_move_x,use_aabb | ignore_passable | glide);
ent_animate(my,"walk", my.skill20,anm_cycle); // play walk frames animation
my.skill20 += 5 * time_step; // "walk" animation speed

wait (1);
my.passable = on; // the corpse can't be hit by the sword from now on; the enemy is dead here
snd_play (dead_wav, 50, 0); // sword sound

while (my.skill10 < 99)
ent_animate(my, "death", my.skill10, null);
my.skill10 += 4 * time_step; // "death" animation speed
wait (1);
my.transparent = on;
my.alpha = 100;
while (my.alpha > 0)
my.alpha -= 4 * time_step;
wait (1);
ent_remove (my);