Dear Taratoga,

- Download the current LiteC release:
- Install it anywhere on your PC
- Go to my website and download
- or at least the binaries and the samples:
- binaries:
- samples:
- lets assume, you have downloaded the complete package:
- extract it
- if you open the directory, you'll find the dll, the header and the documentation and a samples folder
- the samples folders DOESNT include the dll and the header. To make the samples work, copy the dll and the header into the samples folder
- rightclick the samples folder and click on COPY
- then go into the directory, in which you have installed LiteC 1.03
- now paste the folder; it should look like this:

the pasted sample folder is being highlighted in the picture
- now paste the fmod.dll into that samples folder
- check the samples folder, so that the following files are in there: LC_FMOD_WRAP.h, fmod.dll, LC_FMOD_WRAP.dll
- doubleclick on RUN_system_01_information.bat to start the example app

I did this way to simulate a customer which has no previous installation of LiteC, A7 or whatelse on his system. It worked at once! If it isnt working at all, please make sure you've installed the latest drivers and Windows Update.


Last edited by HeelX; 06/22/07 14:17.